How To Simplify Your Life and Find True Happiness

How To Simplify Your Life and Find True Happiness

Read on my website / Read time: 4 minutes

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We often believe that happiness requires a lot—money, power, fame, the perfect house, and the ideal partner. Today, I'm going to explain how to shift your perspective and discover that very little is actually needed to live a truly happy life.

Simplifying your life and focusing on what truly matters brings a profound sense of fulfillment. By caring for yourself, nurturing your relationships with family and friends, and engaging with your community, you can achieve a deeper, more sustainable happiness than any material wealth or social status can provide. This approach frees you from the endless chase of external success and helps you find contentment in everyday moments.

I recently had a personal experience that brought this lesson home. I started coaching my hometown rugby club—not because it'll make me rich (it won’t) but because I was asked to do it. This opportunity allows me to connect and give back to the community that shaped me, and now I get to return the favour. Coaching isn’t about the money or recognition; it’s about connecting with the next generation and contributing to something meaningful. On top of that, as the cherry on the cake, I get to reconnect with my 93-year-old grandma. I stay with her every weekend, listening to her stories about our family history, which helps me better understand myself. I also keep her company and drive her around, making her days a little less lonely. These moments remind me that true happiness comes from these simple yet deeply meaningful connections.

The Primary Reason: Society's Expectations

  • Reason #1: Cultural Conditioning: We've been taught to equate success with wealth, power, and status.
  • Reason #2: Social Media Influence: Constant exposure to others' highlight reels makes us feel like we need more to keep up.
  • Reason #3: Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): The pressure to have everything—career, relationships, lifestyle—drives us to want more.
  • Reason #4: Comparison Trap: We compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate unless we have what they have.
  • Reason #5: Lack of Reflection: We rarely take time to reflect on what truly makes us happy, defaulting to society’s definition of success.

But here's the good news: you can break free from these pressures and find happiness by focusing on what truly matters.

Step 1: Prioritize Quality Relationships

The first step to simplifying your life and finding happiness is to focus on caring for yourself and those closest to you. This is crucial because deep, meaningful relationships are the true foundation of happiness.

Start by nurturing your relationships with family and close friends. Have a conversation (with your mouth) with a friend every day, even if it's just a quick check-in. The quality of your relationships, not the quantity of your possessions, will bring you lasting joy. Think of how much more fulfilled you feel after a heartfelt talk with a loved one than after acquiring a new material item.

Step 2: Engage in Daily Reflection

Where many go wrong is neglecting the importance of daily reflection and mindfulness.

Each day, take a moment away from your phone to read a good quote, write down your thoughts, or sit and (meditate) think. These small acts of self-care and reflection ground you and remind you of what truly matters. For example, journaling [or starting a newsletter] can help you process your thoughts and emotions, leading to greater clarity and peace of mind.

Step 3: Contribute to Your Community

The light at the end of the tunnel is realising that happiness comes from giving back and connecting with those around you.

Engage with your community in ways that are meaningful to you—whether it’s volunteering, supporting local businesses, or simply being kind to your neighbours. These actions not only enrich your life but also create a ripple effect of positivity and connection. Coaching my hometown rugby team and spending weekends with my grandmother has shown me that contributing to something larger than myself brings a sense of purpose and belonging that material wealth can’t provide.

In Conclusion

True happiness isn't about accumulating more; it's about simplifying and focusing on what truly matters. You'll discover a deep and lasting contentment by prioritising your relationships, engaging in daily reflection, and contributing to your community. The key takeaway: very little is needed to live a happy life—just meaningful connections, daily mindfulness, and a commitment to your community.

Arko Hoondert

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