So, you want to live a life with intention? Do these 4 things first.

So, you want to live a life with intention? Do these 4 things first.

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Living a life with intention starts with understanding the steps needed to align your actions with your values. Today, I will guide you through how to begin this transformative journey.

Why should you care about living intentionally? An intentional life is fulfilling, reduces stress, and aligns your actions with your true self. By living with intention, you create a balanced life, rich in purpose and happiness.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to start this journey. Why? Let's explore the primary reason and other obstacles.

What Most People Miss: Lack of clarity.

Without a clear vision, it's easy to get lost in day-to-day distractions. Here are four more reasons people struggle:

Reason #1: Overwhelming responsibilities
Reason #2: Fear of change
Reason #3: Societal pressures and expectations
Reason #4: Lack of support

These reasons are valid. Life gets in the way sometimes; I experienced every one of these challenges at one point. But I've learned a lot since then, and I'd like to help you overcome these challenges.

Here’s my short list of top priorities when you're preparing to start living an intentional life.

Priority 1: Define your core values.

Knowing what truly matters to you forms the foundation of an intentional life. Take time to reflect on your beliefs, passions, and priorities. Write them down and revisit them regularly.

While "family" might be a valid value, it's too broad, and it lacks actionability. Instead, narrow it down to something like "Create and maintain meaningful relationships."

To hone in on your values, reflect on your life and answer the following three questions:

  • When was I happiest in my life & what was I doing at that time?
  • When was I the least happy in my life & what was I doing at that time?
  • How do I spend my free time?

When you get to a list of five values, pair them with a verb. Here are mine:

  • Create & maintain meaningful relationships.
  • Seek opportunities for growth.
  • Always make time for sports.
  • Live in control of my time.
  • Be mature about money.

Priority 2: Set clear, achievable goals.

Many go wrong here by setting vague or unrealistic goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your core values. Avoid setting goals based on societal expectations or fleeting trends.

This year, I want to be an impactful touch rugby player. So, instead of a vague goal like "get fit," I worked with a personal trainer to devise a Touch Rugby-specific program that included "two plyometric field sessions and a gym session a week—next to my regular training." This clear, actionable goal keeps me (and two of my teammates) motivated and focused.

Priority 3: Prioritize your time and energy.

Focus on activities that align with your values and goals. Learn to rigorously say no to distractions and commitments that don't serve your purpose. For me personally, this was the step that made the biggest difference. When you know where you're going, you know what to pass on confidently.

For me, this meant stopping drinking alcohol. If I wanted to get back in the shape of my life to be able to play Touch Rugby on the global stage, I needed to watch my fast food and alcohol intake.

Priority 4: Reflect and adjust regularly.

Living intentionally is an ongoing process. Review your values, goals, and priorities regularly, and adjust as needed to stay aligned with your true self. Reflection ensures continuous growth and alignment.

In Conclusion

If you want to live a life with intention, focus on these four steps:

  1. Define your core values.
  2. Set clear, achievable goals.
  3. Prioritize your time and energy.
  4. Reflect and adjust regularly.

By focusing on these steps, you’ll create a life rich in purpose and fulfillment. Take action today and embrace the journey towards intentional living.

For a deeper dive into designing an intentional life, pre-register for The Modern Art of Living Masterclass. Join a live cohort of students from all over the world in this 3-hour live workshop that will guide you in crafting a life that truly reflects your values.

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